Friday, June 11, 2010

quick update

6 days!

Here is just a quick update. I am on my way to Franklin, NC for a weekend with my family in the mountains. There will be no internet so call me if you need anything. I am still short funding for my trip, so please pray that the money comes in before I leave. God is good and I know He will provide.

Monday, June 7, 2010

The rattlesnake we killed on Saturday. I eventually found the head. It was really sad.
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we're all home at last

As of 9:33pm all members of the Moore family are not only on the same continent, but actually in the same country, state, city, and house. I know, it's somewhat of a miracle.

I am so very thankful that God has brought us all safely to the same place. I have missed them so much. Mitchell has not stopped being entertaining. He is such a smart... butt. As of right now he is rolling around grandma's living room in her scooter with Natalie's yellow rayban's saying, "You know you are a redneck if..." Honestly I do not know how we are related sometimes.

I will most definitely have more stories as the week progresses. There is definitely regret in my heart that I will be leaving them all so soon. 11 days... AH! But I guess that is just how my family rolls. We can't be on the same continent for very long, that would be very un-Moore-like.

Thank you Jesus we are together now :)